# OnPremise SRT Server # version 1.0.3 (2020/12/17): - First public version # version 1.0.4 (2021/01/04): - Bug than could make reinit the server program randomly # version 1.0.5 (2021/01/11): - updated SRT lib to v1.4.2 # version 1.0.6 (2021/01/13): - solved the timestamp issues that derived into audio artifacts in the Facebook transcoding process # version 1.0.7 (2021/01/16): - audio resampling to 44100 Hz to avoid audio issues on Youtube and Facebook re-encoding - bad detected CGNAT in system tab # version 1.1.0 (2021/01/23): - serveral front-end improvements - SRT streamid for callers implemented - auto-reinit on software update (no need to reboot from now) - SDT renaming on UDP-TS inputs # version 1.1.1 (2021/01/30): - RTMP reconnection issues # version 1.1.2 (2021/02/08): - Front-end issue refreshing channels options in Chrome for Mac (thanks to Edgar) # version 1.2.0 (2021/02/21): - ZeroTier modules removed to avoid BSL conflicts - Open Source License txt with all FOSS packages used, added to the GUI # version 1.2.1 (2021/02/24): - SRT latency greater than 3000 ms issues. Now you can reach upto 8000 ms # version 1.2.3 (2021/03/23): - License issues on some mainboard models - Several bugs # version 1.2.4 (2021/03/25): - Admin username is now read-only - A front-end bug didn't show the input channels to choose when creating a new output # version 1.2.6 (2021/05/18): - Sort outputs alphabetically button in the Streams tab - SRT library update to 1.4.3 (latest stable) - UDP multicast binding to an specific physical network interface (bind_addr@mcast_group, i.e: Address = # version 1.2.7 (2021/05/20): - Security update # version 1.2.8 (2021/06/08): - UDP/SRT default socket buffer increased to avoid issues on less powerful computers # version 1.2.9 (2021/07/15): - Silence alarm limit raised to -50 dB, needed in some playouts systems # version 1.2.10 (2021/09/14): - SRT and UDP input and output sockets buffers increased to solve smears and pixels on low screen in bursty data rates. # version 1.3.4 (2021/10/26): (important update) - WARNING: This update makes hardware reboot, so have this in mind before updating from your dashboard. - Layer 1 of software rewritten from start. - Variable non-standard size packets now supported on SRT and UDP with also RTP headers. - EtherMPX, uMPX/microMPX and other RTP streams are now supported. - SRT library updated to version 1.4.4 (latest stable). - UDP burst output and SRT jitter much lower. - New ISO file based on Debian 11 with a newer kernel 5.10 and new drivers. # version 1.3.5 (2022/05/02): (important update) - New ISO file based on Debian 11.3 with updated drivers. - Several security patches - Updated libraries # version 1.3.6 (2022/07/18): (important update) - Bandwidth overhead limited to 50% of nominal, to avoid skyrocketing on very high packet loses scenarios - Solved broken restore in version 1.3.5. - SMTP email alarms sender (stream interrupted and audio silence watchdog) - Quick stream start when rebooted # version 1.3.7 (2022/08/06): - Added email alarm also when stream or audio are back. Also says if the system is just started/rebooted. - Quick restore process, no need to reboot now. - Bug concurrent race conditions with email thread and the status of streams (solved). Could make to restart the program or hide the streams. - ZeroTier service join capability. # version 1.5.0 (2022/09/16): WARNING: INSTALL IT ONLY FROM THE DOWNLOADABLE ISO IMAGE !!! - There is no updates from older versions to this one. - This version has been rebuit from ground up using Debian 11.5, so cannot be integrated in an older version. - Backups from older versions are perfectly compatible, so you can restore them in this new version. - This new version has improved HLS and DASH compatibility with the latest versions of them, and adaptability to newer versions to come. # version 1.5.1 (2022/10/04): - Swagger documentation was missing in the previous version (only for REST API developpers) # version 1.5.2 (2022/10/13): - Solves an important issue related to address handling based on SLAAC on the new transition from IPv4 to IPv6 - Installs many non-free firmwares for ethernet drivers that will allow install the system in lots of hardware - You can now define a default gateway for every interface, not just the default one for all the system # version 1.5.3 (2022/11/21): - Corrects PCRs in HLS streams, so they can be used in DVB broadcast directly - Better HLS compatibility - You can select a sub-stream in the HLS playlist: i.e http://ip-serv/playlist.m3u8?stream=720p (among: 240p,360p,480p,576p,720p,1080p) - Shows the SRT listener port # version 1.5.4 (2022/12/25): - Hostname was not well stablished # version 1.5.5 (2023/02/05): - HLS issues solved # version 1.5.6 (2023/07/15): - Update https timeout increased to avoid issues in some networks - SRT Listener able to bind local interfaces # version 1.5.7 (2023/08/18): - USB key dongle for perpetual License # version 1.5.8 (2023/09/20): - E-mail false alarm patched # version 1.5.9 (2024/01/24): - SRT with any StreamID and Password chars (corrected SRT parsing) # version 1.5.10 (2024/09/11): - RTMP Input Listener using rtmp:// as RTMP URL # version 1.5.12 (2024/11/11): - UDP multicast packets marked with TOS=0xB8 for videostream priority - UDP multicast sender IP_MULTICAST_LOOP disabled, to avoid loops on multiple LAN interfaces subscribed to the same mcast group # version 1.5.13 (2024/11/15): - Library SRT updated to the latest version 1.5.4 - Added some extra source buffer at SRT protocol to increase stability on VBR bursting # version 1.5.14 (2024/12/11): - Updated libraries for HLS, DASH and UDP/RTP protocols - Fixed IPv6 network config and gateways - You can change network config with no rebooting (pay attention to change to the new address in your browser) # version 1.5.15 (2024/12/13): - Better tools to diagnose issues - IPv6 fully supported